Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Manifesto, yo!

In my opinion the people should be the ones ruling and governing their country, hence, Democracy, just like the United States. Although democracy is pretty effective there are still some flaws. In general, I often find that the needs of the people are not met because everyone is so different and this is a struggle because the ultimate decision to create reforms and laws are left to the government. The senators are the authorities who can implement our ideas, not the people itself and then in the end, it's up to the president to either agree or disagree with such ideas. This type of system is kind of defective because political parties are often biased in their point of view but overall the world has to work this way because it's impossible to please everyone.
Taxes should be collected by federal but because of the different social classes in the country, I think the percentage taxed among everyone should be the same in regards to their income. So in this way, there is equality in terms of fairness. For example, the wealthier should pay more than those of the poor because how    can the poor climb their way back up in the economy if they are heavily taxed to the point that they don't have enough to live on.To me that's extremely unfair.
In a fair economy, I think everyone should be allowed the same benefits, therefore health care, education, social services should be free for everyone because right now it's difficult for the poor or unemployed to afford these benefits. This way, everyone would be happier and healthier. The health of the people= health of the country.
I think the infrastructure system funded by taxes is a fair system because it's something that needs to be constant throughout our lives. It needs to be maintained so that the society and economy can function as a whole. We all depend on roads, sewers, mass transits etc. to operate so it's a completely fair system if a fraction of our income is subtracted for these services, I think it's a worthy sacrifice.
A nation's security is important but as for now, I think we're spending way too much on the military system and drowning deeper in debt. America has always upheld a position of authority, being the most powerful country and in this way, we try to be involved in everything, helping devastated country when they're in crisis or involving ourselves in wars that could be avoided. I think it's great that we're generous but it's not beneficial when we're not well equipped or in lack of resources or money to support the cause, it only makes our nation weaker. I think we have to focus on helping ourselves before helping others. It's fine to spend a lot on emergency services because many of these people risk their lives in order to make our lives safer.
Question: What would happen, if the people of North Korea are privileged to have the access to social media? Are they brainwashed to the point, where they will find the ideas corruptive or would they be able to convert to our ways? Is there any hope for this communist madness to end, or are they forever stuck in this world of oppression?